You'll be guided to meeting with your dream client and receiving your pay-in-full price for your product or service
Mixed with a Somatic exercise, you'll convince your mind and your body that it is safe to receive
You can use this mediation over and over, with different prices each time!
The Results have been Crazy!
After creating and listening to this, I signed a 4-figure clients after months of making a few hundred pounds. My clients have gone from months of 0 sales to signing PIF clients the next day! It’s not the manifestation technique. It’s not the strategy. It’s not even the identity work. I know you’ve tried all of this. The block that you’re feeling, isn’t anything external. It’s not because you’re not “doing enough”. The only missing piece, is creating safety in your body.You can tell your body, that it’s safe, with this 10 minute exercise, and instantly shift into your new reality. That’s what happened for me, and that’s what’s happening for my clients.

What are you waiting for?!
You can collapse time, instantly, when you tell your body that it’s safe to make the jump and step your desired state..
Download the meditation below